
8 ┃ Patacoins 💰

 The currency in the game will be the patacoins, this currency will be the tickets found in the game, so the player can obtain it in several ways, either by lotting, selling objects to merchants, winning events, killing players of the enemy factions, by log-in on the server (the log-in system will give patacoins for each day that the player connects, if the player maintains a daily connection streak, he will receive more patacoins).

  •  These patacoins can be used physically within the game to buy in the rolplay city as well as they can also be used with the bot.
  •  To access your bank account, you must do so from the page, where you can check your balance and make purchases from the bot, among many other functions.
  • If one wants to digitize the patacoins in this way, ensure them and be able to use them in the bot, they will be delivered to the accountant, he will be in charge of laundering the dirty money found in the city, which will charge a 50% commission for money laundering . If, on the other hand, you want to withdraw tickets from your bank account, all you have to do is request them from the bot as if it were a purchase (this transaction has no commissions).